What are Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition - Lords of the West PC CD Keys?
Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition - Lords of the West PC CD keys are digital codes, also known as a game codes or game keys, that you activate and redeem to download a digital version of Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition - Lords of the West. You can buy and redeem Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition - Lords of the West CD keys to play on PC (Windows), Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S.
How can I find the best Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition - Lords of the West PC CD Key prices?
It's easy - we collect and compare price information daily for Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition - Lords of the West PC to help find you the best deals available from official retailers and popular third-party marketplaces, including sales and discount codes available worldwide.
How do I redeem a Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition - Lords of the West PC CD Key?
Select a country, platform and service to find the best deal in your preferred region. Buy Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition - Lords of the West from your vendor of choice and redeem it to own a digitial copy of Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition - Lords of the West PC that you can download and play.
Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition - Lords of the West PC
Welcome to Lords of the West, the first new official expansion to Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition. Challenge friends with two additional civilizations as well as new units and technologies. Battle your way across Western Europe and the Mediterranean with three new campaigns, subjugating your opponents by means of sheer military might and diplomatic prowess or through overwhelming economic and cultural power!
A further expansion pack to Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition, Lords of the West, was announced on December 15, 2020 and released on January 26, 2021. The Lords of the West expansion introduced two further civilisations, the Burgundians and the Sicilians, as well as three new campaigns, featuring Edward Longshanks, the Dukes of Burgundy and the Hautevilles.
Edward Longshanks (Britons) - A bitter hostage of rebel barons, Edward Longshanks vows to reclaim his birthright and lead a shattered England to unprecedented heights of prestige and fortitude. A shrewd commander and cunning politician, his merciless methods are effective yet amoral. Follow him as his thirst for power and glory takes him throughout England, Wales, Scotland, and even on Crusade!
The Grand Dukes of the West (Burgundians) - For decades, the dukes of Burgundy have been embroiled in a bloody struggle over control of the mad French king using their cunning, military prowess, and immense wealth. However, as the blood that they spill is paid for with blood of their own, their focus turns increasingly northwards as they aim to create a kingdom of their own.
The Hautevilles (Sicilians) - Robert de Hauteville left Normandy in 1047 CE with a small robber band. Within a century, members of his family became dukes in Italy, princes in the Holy Land, and even kings of Sicily. Join these intrepid Norman adventurers as they fuse three cultures into Europe’s most tolerant and sophisticated kingdom.
Publisher |
Xbox Game Studios |
Developer |
Tantalus Media, Wicked Witch Software, Forgotten Empires LLC |
Genre |
Adventure, Real Time Strategy (RTS), Strategy |
Game Mode |
single-player, multiplayer
Theme |
Historical, Warfare |
Platform |
PC (Windows), Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S |
Game Reviews
No reviews available for this game at the moment.